Lamb of God


Question: What is the breakdown of Genesis 22:1-19?


It foretells in detail, in figurative form:

Faith; necessary for relating to Almighty God; Vs. 1–6!

The Sacrificial Lamb; “God will provide Himself the Lamb”, (prophetic of the actual event hundreds of years later; see John Cps. 19–20)!

God stayed the hand of Abraham; because his heart was right towards God’s Command; and his only son was not killed as a loving (propitiation) Sacrifice to God Vs.11–12!

Abraham saw the “Ram” caught in the thicket by its Horns (Horns in the Bible speaks of Power).  Abraham offered the Ram in the stead of Isaac.  In this action by Abraham, he proved to God that he trusted Him, even when the Order from God seemed extreme, and against his own natural will!

God shows His approval and satisfaction of Abraham’s obedience and love for his Lord; and promises that Abrahams decedents shall be blessed in numbers and in the control of their enemies.  Also, that all the nations of the world would eventually be blessed through Israel and the Trust and Faith that Abraham showed towards Jehovah God; Vs.15–18!

The remarkable parallels to what God did for the World’s peoples at the cross of Calvary, is shown in brief form in this Bible Record of Abraham and His Son!

God provided the Sin Sacrifice.

A male (the dominant power).

-  His (God’s) Only Begotten Son!

-  He was without Sin!

-  He became Sin for all people who put their faith in Him!

-  He was raised to life by the Father on the 3rd day, and awaits at God’s right hand, “until His enemies are made His Footstool” (Psm.110:1, Isa. 66:1–9, Acts 2:34–35 & Heb.1:13).


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